Friday, January 2, 2009

new year's resolutions =D

yay, i am three days late but better late than never!


1. i will stop biting my fingernails
2. i will doodle more
3. i will learn to create a drop dead awesome layout for my currently lame blog (someday...someday...)
4. i will be more sociable
5. i will cosplay WITHIN BUDGETTTTT *guh*
6. i will stop abusing the caps lock key (though i usually just press shift..why yes, i am weird thanks =D)
7. i will not gain weight =D *THIS IS IMPORTANT, i still want to be able to fit into my exorcist uniform in july)
8. i will be friends with blogger!!! *explores through blogger*

THE COSPLAY LIST: (as of 3rd January 2009)

1. Allen Walker -Crown Clown Alpha- (D.Gray-Man)
-HAHA, no costume malfunction this time, if it happens again, then well, it'll just be next year's project =D

2. Shindou Shuichi (Gravitation)
-He is too awesome not to cosplay...but i need either a hiro, yuki or sakuma ryuichi, which is kind of hard to find.....may not happen this year but whatever =D

3. Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
-Because short haired Luke is awesome =D

4. Irie Shoichi (Katekyo Himan Reborn!)
-Because it seems that he is the only person in the Millefiore Famiglia I can pull off physically. *BUT BYAKURAN I WANT TO COSPLAY YOU AS WELLLLL*

5. Chrome Dokuro (Katekyo Himan Reborn!)
-I like mist. I like pineapple hair. I like skirts of the pleated/flared variety. and I love eyepatches XD

6. Sawada Tsunayoshi (
Katekyo Himan Reborn!)
-Because im the boss =D

GAH THE COSPLAY LIST IS....50% REBORN! my d.gray-man group is going to kill me XD


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